Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Won! I Won!

I feel like I won the slots in Las Vegas today. I won the Addi Clicks from Ebay. My bid was the highest bid can you believe it. I can't wait to get them into my hands. I've been reading reviews for the past couple of days and will get to make my own test of these needles. So far I love everything about Addi needles. They are light weight and easy on the hands. I can say for sure that the knit picks are just a tad heavier to me. I could not live without either in my life. So winning this bid and just ordering a 12 piece set from Ebay was the icing on the cake for me. Like I said, you could never have to many knitting needles. I think I will take better care of this lot. I don't expect that I will be buying anymore needles in a very long time. I'm almost finish with swatching the gray cascade 220. It feels good and the size 7 needle knits up a nice feeling fabrics. Want to finish this up so I can get to the patten.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Stuff

Look what I received in the mail today. My yarn from Webs online shop. They had a really good sale on Cascade 200. Not sure when I will start this blue sweater. I'm still planning on makeing the CPH sweater. I'll be using the gray cascade yarn I purchased at the end of March. Yes I'm still working on the summer top. It's going to take some work on my part to finish.

Well at least my socks are finished. They look really good too. Will be wearing them Monday to work.

It seems that I am still the lead winner for a new set of the Addi Clicks interchangeable needles. I will know tomorrow afternoon if I'm the winner.
I keep asking myself if I need any more needles. My answer is why not, you never have enough needles. I can truly attest to this as my Knit Pick needles keep disappearing on me. No matter how many extra needles I order I'm always missing the size needle I need for a project. Like now, I need size 7 and I can't find one pair from my knit pick set. Tomorrow can not get here soon enough for me.

Now I can get rid of these:
I don't know why I purchased these wood straights. I never use them and when I tried it was just a fight. Evey yarn I tried with them just would not move across them. That did tell me something, I'm a tight knitter. When I tried to use cotton yarn the stitches where loose on the needles. I didn't like the out come so I once again went back to my knit picks or addi needles. So, that was a great waste of money. I will win the best knitting needles in all the world.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Hat Is Finished

I decided to finish the hat. Thanks to the ladies at the Tuesday meetup I made the suggested fix and all is good. I can't even locate the error. Don't plan on telling anyone about the mistake in the hat. So here is my new hat in all its glory.
Now I can get back to my sweater. With luck I will have it finished before the summer ends. I can dream can't I? Today I ordered some cascade 220 in blue for a sweater I want to make for work. I will surely put that off until my CPH sweater is completed. I have some gray cascade 220 yarn for that. Still need to swatch for that sweater. Will get to it very soon.

Chant: I will finish you, I will finish you. One more time, I will finish you. Ok now, lets go finish that sweater already.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Type Of Knitting Gives You Problems?

Lace is my problem child. This is the second lace project that was a complete bust. It seems that mistakes are always made close to the finish line. I get half way completed when I make a mistake I can't correct. Now this hat the same thing has happened. I was able to correct and fix the mistake once or twice without much damage. It didn't look so bad, but then I looked closer and there are 2 holes that I cannot live with. So I will be ripping it all out and starting over. When I don't know, but it will be done this summer. I know I will need a distraction from my sweater again. This is a simple pattern to follow and I will try again. Why do I like this pattern so much? One because it is simple to follow the pattern. It will be good for bad hair days. Remember, I'm not a hat person. So back to the drawing board. This pattern will get made, but for right now I want to finish my socks and my sweater. I want to swatch for the CPH this week too. So for now the hat will have to wait for another time. Now I have one less project to work on. Oh boy, can I devote more time to the sweater? Can I finish it before the end of summer. Will do my best because I do want to show it off. Update I now have buttons for my sweater. Didn't take pictures yet but will soon.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What I'm Working On

For the past month I have been working on a summer sweater. This project has bored me to hell. Such endless stockinette stitches. I really want this sweater to be finished to wear this summer, but it will take all I have just to keep from ripping every stitch out and start with something else. I'll finish the socks and the hat and then complete the sweater. You can see how far I have gotten. I'm thinking of adding lace to the bottom of the sweater. That will change the design of the sweater plus get me out of my boredom. So, what have I been working on to get over my boredom? Just this and that. The socks are almost finished.

The socks were the perfect distraction for me too. This is an easy pattern just a rib three, purl one. Being this is my fourth pair since learning to make socks I want to try a lace design sometime soon.

This hat is made from Peaches and Cream 100% cotton yarn. It's a 4pyl yarn that I like the feel of. I won't be able to wear it past summer with the heat we will get, but spring and early fall will be fine. I did say I don't think it will be my type of hat. Not a hat person, until I have a really bad hair day. This is an easy pattern to follow. The lace pattern is easy to follow and remember which helps. I like working lace patterns and will try my hand at making a lace shawl one day.
After all these projects are finished I will start another sweater. I so want to make the Central Park Hoodie now that I have alot more experience with reading knitting patterns. What confused me once before now makes sense to me. I purchased some Cascade 220 in dark gray.
I'll start the test swatch in a few days. Still need to shop for the buttons. I finished my Patons button front cardigan on Jan 22, 2010 and still haven't purchased buttons for that. I just love all the CPH sweaters other bloggers made. I hope to make a CPH that will stand up with all the wonderful sweaters I have seen. Once I finish mine I will go to Central Park and take pics of me in it. So, I should get going now as I have some work to do.