Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Stuff

Look what I received in the mail today. My yarn from Webs online shop. They had a really good sale on Cascade 200. Not sure when I will start this blue sweater. I'm still planning on makeing the CPH sweater. I'll be using the gray cascade yarn I purchased at the end of March. Yes I'm still working on the summer top. It's going to take some work on my part to finish.

Well at least my socks are finished. They look really good too. Will be wearing them Monday to work.

It seems that I am still the lead winner for a new set of the Addi Clicks interchangeable needles. I will know tomorrow afternoon if I'm the winner.
I keep asking myself if I need any more needles. My answer is why not, you never have enough needles. I can truly attest to this as my Knit Pick needles keep disappearing on me. No matter how many extra needles I order I'm always missing the size needle I need for a project. Like now, I need size 7 and I can't find one pair from my knit pick set. Tomorrow can not get here soon enough for me.

Now I can get rid of these:
I don't know why I purchased these wood straights. I never use them and when I tried it was just a fight. Evey yarn I tried with them just would not move across them. That did tell me something, I'm a tight knitter. When I tried to use cotton yarn the stitches where loose on the needles. I didn't like the out come so I once again went back to my knit picks or addi needles. So, that was a great waste of money. I will win the best knitting needles in all the world.